The Maturing Church: The Process – How


Ephesians 4:12 really lays out the process of the maturing church for us. (to prepare God’s people for works of service, so that the body of Christ may be built up) If you were to read it as in the Greek it would say: “toward the equipping of God’s people unto a work of service unto building up the body of Christ.”

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The Maturing Church: The People


Why is it that in society today being helpful to others is just a theory, but practically, needing help is perceived as a weakness! In fact, in the corporate world if someone cannot do a task on their own they are considered a liability! Teams become collections of individuals with no sense of teamwork at all. Is it possible that this thinking has invaded the church today? Much to our detriment I fear that it has. is that the way they church is supposed to function? A loosely knit collection of individuals? No, it isn’t… Continue reading

Witnessing: Convincing Others


Witnessing to others is one of those things that can cause heart flutters and bouts of fainting in people! Sharing ones faith is not always an easy thing to do for many reasons. Fear of rejection, fear of ridicule… But we cannot let those fears prevent us from witnessing and we must encourage others to witness as well…

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Witnessing: Following Through!


If you just carried out the first three posts about witessing we would be doing great! At least more people would be hearing the Gospel message personally. Hearing it from someone that knows what it is to live inside the grace of God and the loving arms of Jesus. But I can’t stress the importance of this next point enough. It seems that ‘following through’ is a step along the path of success in everything!

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Witnessing: Go Out to Whom?


Have you ever heard that like attracts like? It’s pretty plain and simple. We tend to gravitate toward people that are similar to us, they seem so much easier to approach! We like to associate with people that have a similar sense of humor, similar interests, similar education and so on and so forth. But should that limit who we witness to…

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Here I Am!


Where have you been!!! Words that I always dreaded hearing from my mother! Words that could instill fear into the heart of any child, words that could momentarily cause you to fear for your life!! Thankfully that’s not the case this time! I am still here! I have not abandoned this blog and it has pained my heart that I have not written in quite some time! I decided to take a bit of a hiatus over the summer and pick up in the Fall. I started my pastoral internship last May and have been kept very busy with school, ministry, work, and family!! I will be making about a post or so a week beginning next week! It’s great to be back and I pray that some of you are still around too!


Grace & Peace,